Guest Assist

by Secretaría de Turismo del Estado de Quintana Roo



Provides information and guidance on procedures forattention and/or resolution of emergency situations that affect physical integrity or propertypersonal images of tourists visiting the Mexican Caribbean in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico.This App is part of the Tourist Assistance Program.1. Free calls to emergency numbers such as 911 (Emergencies) 088 (GuardiaNational) 089 (Anonymous Complaint), 078 (road assistance) and the Call Center of the Secretariatof Tourism.2. Legal advice and personalized attention.3. Access to the catalog of official Tourist Service Providers.4. Possibility of sharing location with a trusted person using the featuresof the mobile phone.5. Official legal - administrative procedures: loss or theft of passport, bank cardcloned, receipt of complaints against tourism service providers, complaints about fraudcyber, medical information6. Directory of the consular body accredited in Quintana Roo, Mexico.7. Directory of Prosecutors Offices of the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico.8. Directory of Hospitals of the Government of the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico.Note. The Call Center service of the Secretary of Tourism is only available for touristswhich are located in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico.